Teaching Teachers
"Lifelong learning", is stated by most parents as one of their greatest hopes for their child, due to education. Lifelong learning cannot be reserved for children alone. It is universal. In fact, children cannot grow into lifelong learners if they are not surrounded by lifelong learners.
The best teachers grow not only due to their educational backgrounds but more importantly because of their on-going development. It is no wonder that teachers, like doctors are required to engage in on-going professional development to keep their teaching certificates live. Taken seriously professional development happens on-the-ground, all-round, week-in-week out, day-in-day out. On-going professional development that helps teachers in their day-to-day curriculum development, responsiveness to student needs, in building and nurturing relationships is powerful. It hones teaching as it is happening. Few schools invest in their teachers in this manner. And when a school does, it shows it cares madly about its students — madly enough to invest so deeply in the adults that touch them on a daily basis.
The Giddens School in Seattle has Instructional Coaches on staff. Instructional Coaches at Giddens support teachers in regular curriculum development, in supporting students, in bringing new methods and ideas to them, in helping them refine their own methods.
Check out this latest video clip on Fox 13 titled Teaching Teachers that outlines the work at Giddens. I think this school is onto something revolutionary!