Essential Topics on choosing a School
This page captures the essentials topics on Choosing the Right School including Child, Family and Parent Involvement, Understanding Schools, Making a decision.
Each section contains links to articles and blog posts that cover the most essential information on the topic. The page will grow and change in time based on new research, articles and blog posts. This is to say, you might want to bookmark this page and check it often. New articles will be posted 2-3 times a week.
Common Questions
Essential Questions on Choosing a School: Outlines the broadest set of questions parents ask most often about choosing a school.
The Child
How Children Learn and What Parents Can Do About It: Informs how children learn and how parents can foster learning based on the identified principles.
To See the Gift in Every Child: A story to inspire you into considering what your child most loves, what she was put on the planet to do — as easy as breathing.
Trust children: Tells the story of two 4 year-olds and the value that lies in listening to them, in trusting them.
Family and Parent Involvement
How do you define success?: Whether looking for a school or supporting your child in a school, start with THIS question. Your view of success defines how you parent for a fulfilling education and ultimately your child’s own educational goals.
“What happened at school?” “Nothing.”: Ever heard that response? What can you do about how to engage the conversation?
Nurturing Creativity: How can you nurture creativity? In the simplest moments of daily life?
Savoring an interest: How to help your child develop a passion
Understanding Schools and Applying
A Primer on School Options: Outlines the options parents have within both Public and Private Schools.
Public v/s Private: Lays out critical considerations for choosing between a public or a private school.
Questions to Ask School Administrators: Uncommon questions that go beyond the usual “spiel” and the school website.
SEEing a School: Its about the gut, not just your eyes: How can a parent rely on the powerful gut-feel to choose the right school? Parent instincts are more powerful than the best advice from any expert.
Writing school applications: Make it real: Gives your tips on writing effective school applications.
Making a Decision
Tread Softly: Pick a school based on who the child is, not who she should become
When the School Fits the Child: Characteristics seen in children when school just works for them. Consider these as you envision your child in a school you are considering for her.