Personalize Your Child’s Education
(Making it Happen at Any School)
Parental involvement has a significant impact on a child’s education. Schools today, whether public or private, are in a state of transition; either trying to keep up to provide quality instruction or undergoing a transformation to stay at the cutting edge of the 21st century education revolution. Well-meaning parents rely on the school to lead them on how to remain involved. Schools have their own problems to deal with, parental involvement being important to them but not always a central focus. Parents can take charge and remain involved, not only when their child needs support but also proactively.
Parents can proactively plan for their child’s education or reach out for help when a child is having a less than optimal school experience. The Personalize Your Child’s Education consultation is bi-annual, scheduled I and around parent-teacher conferences.
The Personalize Your Child’s Education consultation often includes these steps, personalized to a child and family’s unique needs:
Understanding Your Child’s Experience: Parents voice their hopes for their child’s education, unpack the experience as they witness it and share information they are getting from teachers. Anoo also directly meets with middle and high school students to get their view.
Reports, Scores, Student and Teacher Conversations: Anoo reviews school report cards, test scores, reports from specialists including OTs, Therapists, Child Psychologists, Language/Speech/Reading Specialists, reads student assignments and also talks to the student, teachers and specialists along with parents and child or independently.
A Plan for Action: Anoo makes recommendations to learners and parents on changes needed to improve a child’s school experience and ways to bring about the changes.
Support for Gifted Learners
Over the last five years, Anoo has developed an expertise in understanding and educating gifted learners. Gifted learners, whether tested or not, exhibit learning and personal characteristics that can be challenging to parents. The notion of “Gifted” learners is limited in its definition based on testing alone. Beyond testing, a Gifted learner is just as unique as every other learner. Based on her growing research in the field of understanding the unique inclinations, talents, quirks and challenges of “Gifted” learners, Anoo extends the Personalize Your Child’s Education consultation for Gifted learners to:
Observe and Understand the child, her motivations, needs and coping mechanisms
Identify ways in which parents can support the child in becoming independent and responsible for her inclinations, curiosity, drive and study habits
Build awareness on the child’s interests, inclinations, talents so parents can support the development of an intrinsically motivated passion
Cultivate a relationship of mutual respect fostering a calm, healthy home environment
These pieces are in addition to the common steps in the Personalize Your Child’s Education consultation process.