Research paper: My philosophy of Education

For the culminating research paper of my Foundations of Education course, I chose to articulate my own philosophy of education. In some ways, this was a terribly daunting goal while in reality it turned out to be as easy as breathing. I have been breathing education philosophy since I was 9 years old. At this point, my philosophy of education is so internalized at this point that I cannot separate it from my philosophy of life, which is how I think it should be. (Of course, this did not help with the task of including citations in the paper :)) This deeply connected nature of life and education is the very basis of my philosophy. Towards the end of the paper, I call all of us adults into action because I have come to believe that educating our young really starts with us adults educating ourselves about our own selves.

Please take a few minutes to read the paper and send me your very candid feedback. I hope I stir your soul with what I have said and that you choose to join me in my hopes for our children and ourselves.

Download philosophy_of_education_final.doc


Research paper: Learning is an act of creativity

