When the school fits the child
In considering the efficacy of The Art of Education, I have come to identify the subtle clues that tell us that a school fits a child. Really, these apply to anyone in any learning (read working) situation ..how do you know when something is working?
In a recent conversation I was asked about the efficacy of The Art of Education. How do I know that I found the right school for a child? This is a very interesting question. In many ways, it is easy to tell when a child is not in the right school and harder to notice the subtle clues that tell us they are in the right place. Put awkwardly, its almost as though you need to see what a poor fit looks like to know you have a good fit.
While it is harder to identify a good fit, it is possible. Here are some clues that tell us that children are in the exact fitting educational environment:
First sign — The humming: Your child hums, often literally, when they are happy. You know, the happy skip in the walk, the sparkle in the eyes, the rested shoulders, the friendly smiles, good sleep, great appetite. While you might not be with your child at school, what happens at school carries itself to other parts of life. If you see your child sailing through their activities, being curious, asking questions and being a pleasure to hang out with, you know something is right about the school they are going to.
Talks about school: When children like the school, they talk about it, unasked. They bring ideas from their school learning into other parts of life, asking questions based on what they are learning at school, building on concepts. They ask for help on projects and homework. They integrate the learning from school into other parts of their life. They also talk about school friends, classroom jokes, upcoming events with excitement. The reminisce about old teachers and outings.
Friends all around: When school works, it blends into home, that’s the general theme. That also means that school friends come home, sleepovers get planned, outings and parties happen, almost to the point that a parent cannot keep up. If school friends work together on projects that’s even better – they show that they can play together and work together even when they are not at school.
Digging deep: A happy child is a respected child. A respected child is curious and fearless in her/his learning. Content and confident, such children seek out their passions. Sometimes a school activity leaves them transfixed and at other times they find their passion outside of school. It is borne out of their curiosity and love of learning. Such children dig deep and excel at a high level in something they love deeply. What they love changes as they grow but at any one time, they are drinking the sweet juice of passion, thriving in their “zone”.
Healthy in the mind, healthy in the body: When a child feels well-treated and happy for 6-7 hours of the school day, they are not stressed. They look forward to school. A stress-free child is a healthy child, health that starts in the mind and extends to the body. A child who loves school, looks forward to it and plans for it. In the process, s/he unknowingly takes care of her/his body easily complying to the needs of the body. Of course, this also works the other way around — a healthy body makes for a healthy mind.
Rapid paced growth: Healthy, curious, passionate children are a force of nature, a force hard to keep up with. Young, tireless bodies full of energy and creative, curious minds race to discover the world. A humming child grows rapidly, making connections, finding humor and seeking passions faster than parents can keep up with. Some call them growth spurts but I think that when a school works for a child, they are “always spurting”.
Creative: A rested, fearless, happy mind is the exact fertile ground for creativity. New ideas and interests that result in creative explorations are a sure sign that your child is getting the exact nurturing s/he needs.
Kind: The ultimate sign of a content, well-respected child is kindness. When children (people) feel safe, they are able to care for others around them and the world at large. Kindness, respect and community-minded action flows from such children.
These are some of the signs of a good school fit. They assume stable and secure outside-of-school factors such as basic health and family life. I think every child can have this kind of school experience, when the school fits the child and not the other way around.